Aims and Scope
Aims & Scope : Journal of Regional and Urban Economics
The RERU - Journal of Regional & Urban Economics is a peer-reviewed international scientific journal. It publishes varia-type issues made up of articles and research notes that have been refereed and edited, special issues based on thematic symposia with papers selected by a Scientific Committee, and issues commissioned on the initiative of members of the Editorial Board, who define the subjects of the articles, propose authors and ensure editorial consistency and quality. Papers are published in French or English.

Since its creation in 1978, RERU has promoted the production, development and exchange of knowledge in the field of regional science. It reports on contemporary urban and regional issues, on analyses constituting contributions to the theories, methods and models of spatial, territorial and regional economics.

RERU welcomes theoretical and methodological research, statistical and econometric work, institutional approaches, articles, research notes and reading notes.

The RERU participates in theoretical and economic policy-making debates related to international regional science, between the research community and national and international administrations, local authorities and territorial development practitioners.

RERU is supported by CNRS & HCERES and respects the norms of publication suggested by CNRS-Editions.

Papers published in RERU are indexed and abstracted in Journal of Economic Literature (JEL), International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), JournalSeek, REPEC, IndexCOPERNICUS, EconLit,, Journal Scholar Metrics, EBSCO, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)..

See our Online information for the contents of the papers published in the volume.
Keywords Économie régionale et urbaine - Science régionale - Économétrie spatiale
Revue d'économie régionale - Économie géographique - Territoire