Submission Guide 1. Articles should be original contributions that have not been previously published or are not under review or in the process of being published elsewhere. A separate cover letter accompanying the manuscript must confirm compliance with these conditions. 2. Manuscripts must be submitted via the designated platform. 3. To submit an article, the author must have read and accepted the RERU ethical charter provided below. The cover letter must be uploaded along with the submitted manuscript. Download Publication Ethics Download Cover Letter Instructions for authors 1. Full articles published in RERU should be no longer than 8000 words, including: - Abstract - References - Figure or table captions - Endnotes 2. Manuscripts can be written in either French or English. 3. The form and content of the manuscript should be carefully adapted to the editorial norms of the journal and follow the RERU style sheet. The first page of the manuscript, known as the "title page," should include: - The title in both French and English - The name(s) of the author(s) and their ORCID - Institutional affiliations - E-mail addresses - A note identifying the corresponding author who will check proofs and receive offprints Abstracts in French (100 to 150 words) and English (250 to 300 words) should provide a relevant idea of the paper's content. 3 to 5 keywords in both French and English. Classification codes used by the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL). 3 to 5 highlights (not exceeding 150 characters, including spaces). 4. All tables, illustrations, figures, diagrams, and maps should be numbered consecutively and included directly in the text of the paper. They should be produced in grayscale. Authors must ensure the quality of these figures, including the size of legends and the readability of labels on graph axes. 5. Authors should ensure that names and dates cited in the text correspond exactly to those in the bibliography. For the bibliography layout, authors should follow the style sheet model. In particular, authors' names should appear in small caps both in the main text and in the bibliography. The full list of references should include only authors quoted in the text and should be presented in alphabetical order, following the "Style sheet RERU 2024". 6. Authors must submit their article in WORD and PDF format via the designated platform. Refereeing process 1. Manuscripts submitted to the RERU for publication undergo an initial evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief. If they pass this assessment, they are then sent to an associate editor for double-blind evaluation (at least two referees). The identity of the referees will not be disclosed to the authors or anyone not involved in the editorial process. 2. After the refereeing process, the Associate Editor will send the referees' comments to the authors. If revisions are required, the authors must make the necessary changes and send the revised version to the Associate Editor via email. 3. Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication, the authors will receive a copy of the journal volume in which the manuscript is published, as well as a PDF file of the article. Editorial Process after Review 1. Articles should be corrected and returned to the Editorial Assistant by e-mail. 2. Page Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. They must be carefully re-read. Major alterations or revisions of the text cannot be accepted. Corrections should be limited to printer’s errors. 3. A specimen of RERU in which their text is been published and a pdf of the article are send to the authors. Revue d’Economie Régionale et Urbaine leaves the whole responsability for their writings to the authors. Download Submission guidelines Download Style sheet RERU 2024 Download Feuille de style 2024 FR Download Style sheet RERU 2024 |